UGC Creators

What are those?

First off, what is UGC? This stands for user-generated content. UGC creators, in short, are content creators who work with brands and help them create content for their marketing (social media, website, promotions, etc.).

This might sound similar to an influencer, but it’s very different. UGC creators do not need a social presence or following to work with high-end brands. The reason for this is that UGC creators are creating content for brands, but they aren’t posting it to their social media, they are simply giving the brand the content that they create.

How can brands benefit from using UGC creators?

Now that we’ve established what a UGC creator IS, let’s discuss what they OFFER.

1. A genuine interest in the brand and their mission

I cannot vouch for all UGC creators, however, as one myself, I can assure you that I do not reach out to brands that I am not genuinely interested in. I do this because I know that if I am not entirely in love with the brand I’m working with, it will reflect in my work. So, I am very selective with whom I reach out to.

2. A deep understanding of the brand

This is beneficial to the content that is created because a creator who understands a brand, knows what their audience likes and relates to, and will create engaging, relatable content for that brand’s audience.

3. More creative content

We’ve all seen those magazine-esque photoshoots, where it looks completely staged and has no personality or relatability. UGC creators are a complete game-changer in this area. If they are working with a brand, it’s most likely because they love the brand and the products they produce. Therefore, they know the best ways to highlight the features of said products, in a more natural setting.

There are many other benefits to brands that UGC creators offer, but I’ll leave it at that for now.

How to get started as a UGC creator

So, you’ve read up to this point, and you’re interested in becoming a UGC creator yourself, AMAZING! Here are a few simple steps to get you started on this journey…

1. Figure out your “niche”

In short, what type of products do you want to focus on? It could be beauty, fashion, outdoors, hair products, etc. (you get the idea). If you need help figuring this out, think about some of your hobbies. If you love hiking, like me ;), then you might want to focus solely on brands that create hiking gear.

2. Build your portfolio

Once you’ve figured out what type of products you want to create content for, you need to begin building your portfolio. It’s essential that you have a portfolio so that when you reach out to brands wanting to work with them, you have a collection of work that you’ve created so they can get a sense of your skill and style.

3. Start pitching to brands!

While that statement might seem simple, pitching to a brand is a little more complicated than that. However, the best way to learn what works and what doesn’t is simply to START. As you learn and grow, you will begin to sort out the best pitching strategy.

I’ll write a more in-depth blog about my pitching strategy, what I’ve learned, and give you all the best tips and tricks for how to learn brand deals!

Thanks so much for reading and stay tuned for the next blog!

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