Making Spoon Rings – One of my Hobbies
This might seem super random, but earlier this year I got into making spoon rings as a hobby! I was really inspired by this girl that I follow on Instagram and TikTok, and she makes spoon rings as her full-time job.
I thought that was SUPER cool, especially because she makes enough money from it to be able to travel the world. Now, obviously, this wouldn’t be possible if she didn’t have a pretty large following on social media, BUT I loved the idea of being able to create my own rings.

So, I jumped into it! I began making my own rings and selling them through Instagram! It was a little slow at first and then picked up, then I hit a lull again, and this pattern continued. I knew that making rings wasn’t something I wanted to do as a full-time job, but it was a nice little side gig I had going.

Making rings is still a hobby I really enjoy doing, and it’s something I do every week. I love creating things with my hands and this is such a fun and unique craft!
This is just one of those things I’m passionate about and love, and I wanted to share it with you ๐

If you’re ever interested in getting one of my spoon rings, check out my Instagram!