Line Dancing – A New Hobby

How it Started

As random as it sounds, line dancing is something I have always wanted to try. I’m going to blame Footloose for this obsession and curiosity. Anyway, one of my friends in my small group invited our group to go with her. That first time I went, I almost instantly fell in love with it. It was so fascinating seeing everyone doing the same dance together. Since then, I’ve been going every week and I am OBSESSED.

I’ve always enjoyed dancing, but I never really had a place to go, most of my dancing was a dance party-of-one in my room at night.

This has quickly become one of the highlights of my week! I love getting to dance with my friends and meet new people!

my first line dancing lessons I attended
me and my friend, Bella, at the line dancing bar

Thanks so much for reading!

If you’d like to keep up with me on socials, here is my Instagram!

I have also started filming hiking videos on my YouTube if you’d like to watch ๐Ÿ™‚

If you’d like to create together, let’s connect!

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